Tuesday, 27 May 2008

happy 1st birthday


its been a year since i started this blog.. right in the middle of the study break for EOS3. mainly as a form of relaxation and also to put some recipes cos (i don't mean to brag) friends often ask me for recipes, so here is an easy way, i can put photos and all as well. and it extended to food reviews as well.
and its hard to separate the "food posts" from my other personal posts cos sometimes is connected! that's why its a jumble sometimes :P

some basic facts about my bloggie:
Day I opened it: 27th may 2007
Day I put up a hit counter: 4th February 2008
hits so far: 4200
(I am quite surprised that people actually read my blog. and apparently I was the one that started the whole "who can get 1000 hits faster" well, indirectly anyway ;p)
posts so far: 191 (including this) and more to come :)

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